How to repair the canned motor pump after erosion

In normal work, if the sealing performance of the equipment cannot be guaranteed due to packing wear, it should be replaced in time. Once the equipment is eroded, how should the cannedmotor pump be repaired? Let's take a brief look.
The device is an unsealed pump in which both the pump and the drive motor are sealed in a pressure vessel filled with a pumped medium, which is statically sealed and is provided by a wire bank to provide a rotating magnetic field and drive the rotor. This structure eliminates the rotary shaft sealing device that traditional centrifugal pumps have, so that it can be completely leak-free. In the process of using the equipment, there will inevitably be some failures, first look at the erosion of the shielded pump maintenance method.
Equipment corrosion forms can be divided into two categories: overall corrosion and local corrosion. The former occurs evenly on its entire surface, while the latter occurs only locally, such as pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, intergranular corrosion, stress corrosion, etc. Different from the traditional welding pressure vessel, the organic coating on the surface of polymer composite materials has good chemical resistance, mechanical properties and adhesion properties, which is one of the current anti-corrosion measures.
Only by doing a good job in the maintenance of the canned motor pump can the equipment play a normal role in the future use process and extend its service life.
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